Thursday, January 28, 2016

11 Sexpectations only SATC's Samantha Jones can teach you

This is why no one should make you feel bad about sex on the first or tenth date according to Samantha Jones.

Ladies, let's be honest, there are a few taboo questions on whether having sex on the first date is entirely acceptable.

Society tends to pass on a judgmental stigma that leaves women questioning if moving and removing on the first date is the wrong decision.

There are many suggestive articles stating that the longer you wait to have sex the higher the chances are of you staying in a relationship.

But what if the sex is bad? What if you found his size disappointing? What if there was no chemistry? No fireworks? Or worse ... no orgasm?

If there’s anything we’ve learnt from the one and only Samantha Jones from Sex and the City, it’s that we ‘will not be judged by society.’

Whether you choose to have sex on the first date or whether you choose to wait, the matter is entirely up to you. No one can dictate when or where you do it yet alone, to whom you do it to.

So on that note, here are the best sexually empowering quotes from Samantha Jones on why no one should dictate your sex life.

1. There's nothing wrong with being experimental.


2. Don't let other people's judgemental opinions get the better of you.


3. Always remember that you are fabulous!


4. Be honest no matter what.


5. Know when to move on.


6. Don't be easily fooled.


7. Keep your friendships in check.


8. Don't settle for anything less than what you want.


9. It can be hardwork.


10. No what you want and go for it.


11. Never forget the most important relationship of all.


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