Fashion Weekly chatted with Carla Oates, known as 'The Beauty Chef' about taking care of your skin from the 'inside'.
Based in Sydney, Carla Oates has been researching and writing about organic beauty and health for the last fifteen years. This passion and knowledge led to the creation of The Beauty Chef brand.
Utilising the power of prebiotics, probiotics and bio-fermentation, The Beauty Chef Inner Beauty Powders and liquid Boosts use an exclusive Flora Culture™ process with 25 years of research behind it, to create supercharged whole food supplements that address inner gut health for beautiful and radiant skin.
Where does your passion and interest in organic health and beauty stem from?
CO: I published a book, Feeding Your Skin, and had a DIY beauty column for The Sunday Telegraph for eight years, as well as being the Natural Beauty Editor for Wellbeing Magazine. During this time I made all my own skincare from scratch and was giving them to friends and family to use. I created quite a demand and that demand grew to friends of friends.
Creating The Beauty Chef brand seemed like a natural progression. I started experimenting with lacto-fermenting different blends of skin-loving ingredients, and the result was my Inner Beauty Powder, now named Glow, which promotes skin radiance from the inside out.
What does the term 'beauty begins in the belly' mean to you?
CO: This is our trademark mantra: Digestive health is key for healthy, radiant skin.
What makes The Beauty Chef Inner Beauty Powders different to regular health-food supplements?
CO: We were the first to create a bio-fermented inner beauty powder, and we also use our own unique fermentation process called FLORA CULTURE.
We are very focused on getting nutrients from whole foods and natural probiotics. Our products are literally alive with beneficial bacteria that help to balance digestive health, plus all the bio-available nutrients from superfoods that nourish the skin.
You have developed the world's first 'living skincare range', what exactly does that mean?
CO: It is 'living' because of the live enzymes and probiotics, as well as fermentation making the ingredients more bio-available for the skin to use.
The ingredients have been broken down to be more easily absorbed as well as more nutritious and active.
What is your favourite go-to healthy snack for when you're on the go?
CO: I love these Bliss Balls that I have made using The Beauty Chef GLOW.
As an advocate for healthy living, what would we find in your fridge or pantry on a regular day?
CO: In my fridge I always have filtered water, lots of greens like veggies and seasonal fruits, bircher muesli and yoghurt, Meredith Valley goats cheese, organic chicken, coconut milk, herbs and spices like garlic, fresh turmeric, lemongrass and kaffir lime leaves for curry.
In the pantry I keep quinoa, chia seeds, canned sardines, tamari almonds, organic nuts like almonds and brazil nuts and dark chocolate.
Do you have any exciting ventures coming up?
CO: We are expanding globally with a new stockist and have additions and updates to the range to announce soon.
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