Thursday, May 12, 2016

The new age man: Rise of the spornosexual

The new age man who might just spend more time in front of the mirror than you!

Zac Efron and Zayn Malik

In the age of eyebrow tatooing and zapping our bikini lines with a laser, it can't come as much of a surprise that guys are becoming keen to get in on the action. From chest waxing to hair styling, we have come to accept 'manscaping' in our ever so vain society.

But where do we draw the line? The modern man is now faced with the always increasing pressure to appear impeccably groomed at all times. Over the years this trend has extended to skincare, dieting, workouts, hair removal and even makeup. The 'spornosexual' now walks among us, and here's how to spot him.

His shirts show off more cleavage than yours

We all love a good V neck, but if you ask us, ultra plunging tops are bordering on weird. We don't want to see your pecks, thank you very much.

His shirts are skin tight

Again, no girl can resist a little sneak speak of some bulging biceps, but do your tees need to be sprayed on? Leave a little to the imagination, please!

He's on a crazy diet

Now actual gluten intolerance aside, a girl loves a guy who can chow down on a burger. We're all for eating consiously, but there's nothing less attractive than a guy who eats like a sparrow.

He fake tans

We have no words for this one. As sexist as it sounds, a man should not be altering the colour of his skin. An organgey hue is an instant turn off.

He wears jewellery

We can definitely appreciate a gorgeous watch, or even a well crafted leather bracelet or sentimental ring, but dangling chains and earrings... no thank you!

He wears make-up

Boys we feel your pain. It must be hard to look flawless all the time without concealer. But be warned, if we see a makeup line around your jaw, not only are we going to be appalled at your terrible technique, you will have us running for the hills faster than you can say Mac!

[RELATED: 10 Style & beauty things guys hate but won't admit]

He carries a man purse

An overnight travel bag or sporty backpack aside, there is really no excuse for a guy to carry a man purse. What do you think they made pockets for, boys? Unless you suddenly feel the need to start carrying tampons and a hair brush , then you really have no possible reason to warrant all that extra space!

He waxes a whole lot more than his chest

We're talking arm pits, arms, eyebrows! We have to say, we like a well groomed dude but a little body hair is what makes you manly!

He spends hours on his hair

We understand that just about no one 'wakes up like this' anymore - gels and waxes are fine - but your two inches of hair shouldn't take longer to do than our locks!

He works out, for all the wrong reasons

We couldn't be bigger advocates for fitness and health. Regular visits to the gym can be a massive draw card for us ladies; who doesn't like a nice set of guns? But a constant obsession with specific exercises that serve no other purpose than helping you look good? NO. 

So as you can probably tell, we're not really loving this new trend. That being said, there is definitely a middle ground where guys can feel free to trim their beards and wax their chests in peace. Maybe just stay away from the freshly shaven arm pits and sculpted brows?

Words: Sophie Catsoulis

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