Monday, May 23, 2016

7 Deadly Relationship Sins & how to avoid them

Avoid these seven deadly relationship sins and have the harmonious and loving relationship you desire.

Avoid these seven deadly relationship sins and have the harmonious and loving relationship you desire.

Do you wish you could avoid arguments in your relationship? Below, you will discover the seven common ways to ring the death knell to any relationship, and how to avoid it.

Sin: Pride

Does your pride prevent you from acknowledging your partner and their success? Are you overly consumed by your own importance and neglect your partner? Do you refuse to admit when you are in the wrong? Or do you refuse to seek help when you need it?

You need to learn to let go of the ego and embrace humility. Start to acknowledge and appreciate the little things your partner does. Be prepared to concede when you are in the wrong. Swallow your pride and ask for help occasionally.

Sin: Wrath

Have your past relationships left you feeling angry, bitter and vengeful? Do you over react to your partner with anger or rage?

Holding onto these past emotions will only lead to arguments and conflict in your current and future relationships. Instead, let go of your anger, bitterness and revenge around wanting to get back at others for what they did or did not do.

Sin: Lust

Do you excessively think about or physically desire someone else while you are in a relationship? Have your been cheating on your partner with your thoughts, emotions or behaviours?

If you are sending out mixed messages to your partner they will pick up your indecisiveness, which can lead to arguments. To stop the mixed messages, you need to fully commit to your partner, strengthen your attraction towards them, and eliminate the inappropriate attraction you feel for anyone else.

Sin: Gluttony

Do you strive to keep up appearances and overextend yourself financially? Are you too needy towards your partner?

This can especially be an issue in relationships where one partner was brought up to believe “waste not want not”, while the other did not value things as much as they were growing up.

Reach some agreements around finances and priorities that accommodate both partners' needs, and then respect these. If you are too needy or desperate for love and attention, address these otherwise you may push your partner away with your needy behaviour.

Sin: Sloth

Are you or your partner not using your talents fully? Is your partner's “laziness” annoying or frustrating you?

When one partner is driven to pursue their passion and uses their talents fully and the other partner is not, it can lead to frustration for both partners.

Open and honest communication about each partner's goals, values and priorities is important. If your and your partner's goals and values are different, then you can respect and work with the differences to make the relationship work.

Sin: Envy

Are you envious of your partner's success and happiness? Do you resent your partner's lifestyle?

Often what we envy in our partner is what we lack in ourselves, hence why we desire it.

Do you believe that you are deserving or worthy of having success and what you want? Are you resentful of yourself for not doing the things you want to do? Let go of these beliefs, and learn to celebrate your own and your partner's successes.

Sin: Greed

Does greed prevent you from sharing your time and success with your partner? Are you selfishly monopolising your partner's time and affection without reciprocating it?

Sit down and discuss your values, priorities and beliefs with your partner. Notice the common ground and any differences. Then agree on how you will effectively work with the differences.

By implementing the above, you will be able to avoid these seven deadly relationship sins and have the harmonious and loving relationship you desire.


Dr. Vesna Grubacevic is an author, speaker, media commentator, the founder and Performance Transformation Expert® with award-winning company, Qt. She is the creator of breakthrough behavioural change techniques, holds a PhD, a BEc and has over 35 years' business experience. She is passionate about helping people to improve their relationships and confidence. Her Amazon best-selling book, Stop Sabotaging Your Confidence, has also been gifted to Hollywood and Australian award winners, nominees, hosts and celebrities. For more free resources on improving your relationships, please visit

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