Wednesday, March 23, 2016

10 Signs that tell him you are great in the bedroom

Sings that women are good in bed and kissing

How do you determine whether someone was great in bed? Is it the connection, the confidence or just well-practiced skills that make for a mind-blowing experience?

It’s not something you notice on the daily, but there are tell-tale signs for both men and women that lets your partner know how good you will be under the covers.

Now that we know the signs that a man will be great in bed, ladies, it’s time to turn the spotlight onto you!

Let’s uncover the habits that lets him know YOU will be great in the bedroom...

You’re confident

Exuding confidence in life tells him that you will be confident in the bedroom.


You aren’t afraid to ask for what you want

Although they might not always admit it, men don't mind being told what to do. Being assertive lets him know that you will make the pleasing easier for him. 


You aren’t judgemental

His intimate fantasies might be something slightly embarrassing for him, so knowing you won’t judge him for it will go a long way.


You’re open to trying new things without getting embarrassed

Weird noises, ending up in awkward tangles... Nothing puts a damper on a good time like trying something new and having it go horribly wrong. Except of course if you aren’t afraid to laugh it off and get over it.


You’re a great kisser

The way you your lips move, and how you use your tongue says a lot...


You flirt and playfully tease during conversation

What this means in his mind: You indulge in foreplay and will tease to please in the bedroom.


You know how to move your body

Whether it’s the way you dance or the way you strut your stuff, men know that a woman comfortable and familiar with her body will move and have fun in all sorts of sexy ways in the bedroom.


You enjoy solo Netflix and chill time...

Knowing your body makes quality time with your man so much better.

You aren’t self-conscious

Think of the best sex you’ve had... It was most likely filled with passion, enthusiastic and you we’re oozing sex appeal. These things don’t happen when you are constantly worrying about what your thighs look like or whether he cares about your jiggles.


You’re spontaneous

Men love surprises!

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