Sunday, November 29, 2015

Commitment woes you’re sure to have in your 20s


It’s time to bring up the dreaded C word... Yep we’re talking about commitment!

Commitment, be it to relationships or life decisions, is a scary thought for some. During our twenties, most of us are just trying to navigate our way through life and avoid life changing decisions. If I can’t even decide what I want for dinner, how on earth am I supposed to commit to what I want out of life?!

These are the top four obligations you’re sure to face in your twenties that will give you commitment phobia!

Committing to a real relationship

While the idea of a loving relationship might be enticing, making the decision to be exclusive in a relationship can be scary. Your twenties is one of the only times in life where you can be completely selfish. Being in a committed relationship means you need to compromise and consider your partner’s needs over what you want. The truth is, relationships aren’t easy; whether it is sexual, friendship or family, all relationships require hard work.

Signing your first employment contract

Sure, most of us have been working at our local cafés and bars since our teenage years but there’s something about signing a long-term contract that can be daunting. Committing to a career not only means you are accountable for your actions, but you have to stick with your decision even if it is not exactly as you expected.

Committing to a healthy lifestyle change

Gone are the days where you can eat whatever you want - and drink as much as you want - without it affecting your body. Whether you decide to try a paleo diet or sign up to a gym, sticking to healthy habits can be really hard... especially when it is 2 am in the morning and all you can think of is a greasy cheeseburger.

Signing a lease

Once you finally find that dream semi-affordable apartment, you will most likely have to lock in a contract for a period of time. Whether it is six months or a year, committing to live somewhere (or with someone) when you don’t know what your future holds is not an easy task.

We want to know what commitment woes you have faced? {jcomments on}

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